We utilize IRS Logics CRM system at our company to manage all of our client's data and staycompliant with the IRS and State tax governing bodies. This software has changed the waywe look at our data and with its wide-ranging functionality has become the ideal tool tomaximize revenue! The support team has always been friendly and assisted us in a timelymanner as well as always going the extra mile to make sure our processes are runningefficiently.
Hector Lopez CTO
National Tax Experts

I recommend IRSLogics 100%. The company has outstanding customer service: Every time I call support there is always someone available. The very few times they miss my calls, they always call right back!
Their management/developing team: They are very accommodating and will always try to find a way to fulfil your requests!The CRM: The crm itself is very efficient and perfect for a tax company to use. The crm has all the irs forms integrated as well!
Clear Start Tax Relief

I am Sherri Gastelum, CEO of Platinum Tax Defenders. Weare a nationwide tax defense firm that helps individuals and businesses inresolving serious issues with the IRS and state as well as incorporations,bookkeeping and tax preparation. We have used IRSLogics since theinception of our business in 2010. It is a great CRM system and allows usto keep track of all sales, historical and projected revenue, and management ofall cases as well as activities of employees which is especially importantwith so many people working remotely. Their team has been very helpful inmanaging work flow and solving difficult issues throughautomation which improves our staff's productivity. Their serviceteam is quick to respond and resolve any issues we have had. They areconstantly improving their system adding more and more functionality. Iwould highly recommend them.
Sherri Gastelum
Platinum Tax Defenders